Not all logos are designed in a similar fashion. Some logos appear to be natural and symmetrical while some have a forced or whimsical appeal. Each kind of logo serves a different purpose and is arrived using a unique process. Some business owners now create their own logo as they have a clear vision for their logo. But one aspect that helps create a good logo design is using grids. No matter whether you are an experienced graphic designer or a beginner, learning the craft or even a business owner. Grids are a vital part of the logo designing process.
Here are some tips on how grids help in creating the most effective logo designs:
Use grids as the starting foundation for your logo
As your brand grows with time, the logo evolves. The key to creating a logo design that stays impressive always is using grids right from the start. When a grid is used from the inception level, scaling or modifying the logo becomes easier at later stages. Also, a logo needs to stay consistent even after years of changes. The gridlines helps provide consistency to the logo design. Some companies prefer using the same construction guides for all their product logos so that they can stay consistent at the graphical level.
Add symmetry to a logo design using grid lines
Symmetry appeals to the human eye. But when we think about symmetry, we consider solid structures and shapes, which is not the case. Consider the logos for Twitter and Apple. These logos are not the conventional shapes but are still appealing as they were designed maintaining a symmetry. Both logos were created using circles which gave them a more polished finish. The spatial relationship between each point on the logo design is just right making the designs aesthetically pleasing.
Look beyond the mathematical ratios when creating a logo design using grids
Many designers and graphics experts believe that using the Golden Ratio or Fibonacci sequence ensures a great logo design. While it is true that these mathematical designs have resulted in some timeless logos, it surely doesn’t imply that stunning logo designs can’t be created without using these ratios. Remember that perfect geometry isn’t always appealing and there is no magical mathematical formula that results in a great logo design each time.
Don’t use the mathematical ratios or construction guides to rationalize your logo
Designers often over rationalize their logo design and try to quantify their design down to the numbers and geometry. The key is to remember that “mathematical consistency” doesn’t always ensure a good logo design. Don’t add mathematical ratios or construction guides that are not adding any real value to your design.
Use a simple construction guide to design a classic and timeless logo
Gridlines are critical for graphics designing just as blueprints are for architecture. Grids can prove to be instrumental in creating simple logo designs as they can provide a starting point and framework for the logo even before you start designing. The simplest of logos end-up becoming the iconic designs which become timeless due to their elegance. Make sure you use e horizontal and vertical lines and add modular grids with column grids, hierarchical grids with manuscript grids, to create your desired grid.
Grids can help you design a versatile logo
Today we are living in the smartphone age. The logo design, as well as web design, should be responsive so as to be successfully rendered on any screen. Gridlines help you create a logo which will look good in all sizes, right from a thumbnail to a billboard. If you are using an online logo maker, make sure you view the mock-up of your logo on various screens as well as printed material.
Don’t let the grids restrict your creativity
It may seem that using grids can restrict the creative and innovative designs from taking shape. While this can appear to be the case when you start, as you master using grids, you will realize the significance of grids and construction guides. When implemented correctly, grids can become a framework providing structure to the logo design so that you need not worry about its finish and can let all the creative juices flowing.
The bottom line
A Grid is the invisible foundation of a stunning logo design that holds all elements in their proper place. As you master the art of integrating and implementing grids in your logo design, many aspects will get simplified such as symmetry, scalability, use of white space etc. Grids even help you keep the focal point of the logo in the limelight while preventing all other elements from becoming distracting. When you decide to use angles and grids to your design process, make sure they are relevant and have a certain meaning which can enhance the design.